Sunday, 5 February 2012

India So Far

We've been in India for two weeks now and travelled around to quite a few regions. It's amazing to see how different every place is, even the town's within each state.So our first stop was Mumbai. After quite a long and uncomfortable plane ride, we landed at Mumbai airport and begun our first experience in an Indian rickshaw - terrifying! If I'm honest, I didn't like Mumbai at all, whether or not this was because I was homesick/jet lagged/ nervous, I dunno but the place was so noisy and dirty and we struggled to see one tourist anywhere. This meant a lot of stares and uncomfortable moments. We did however visit the Gateway of India and Chowpatty Beach, but decided to move on after two days. This is when the real fun began... You know the sleeper train in Slumdog Millionaire?! Well that's exactly what the trains are like for real. We booked our ticket in a hurry to leave Mumbai and ended up getting pretty much the lowest class possible for our 36 hour ride to Kerala. Two weeks later, I can appreciate the experience and say I'm glad I've done it, but I can safely say I will never do it again. However, it was fascinating to be in a carriage with local people for that length of time, watching the way other people live. 

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