Sunday 23 June 2013

The Little Princess Cocktail Party

I spent this afternoon at The Little Princess Cocktail Party, hosted by one of my very best friends, and her sisters, at their hair salon in Surrey ( The idea behind the gathering was to raise money and donate hair, to the Little Princess Trust - a charity that provides real wigs to children across the UK and Ireland who have lost their hair to cancer treatment. Two of the sisters had their (very) long hair cut short and donated to the trust, while other friends and family members made cakes for the event, to accompany the cocktails and 'mocktails' on offer. In addition to the donations, there was a raffle to raise money for the charity with hair care products offered as prizes, amongst the usual chocolate and alcoholic treats. It was a really inspiring and fun day, and if you haven't already heard of the charity, please do check it out...

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