Monday 25 June 2012

Emerald Cave

On our last day in Koh Lanta Josh and I went on a four-island boat trip, where we snorkelled in the clearest waters and had a delicious buffet lunch on a paradise beach. We had a few of the most beautiful photos of us taken on this beach (well I think so anyway, see what you think...). We did the coolest part of the trip at the end when we visited Emerald Cave. If I'm honest I was pretty scared the whole time, but was still loving it- an adrenaline kind of feeling I suppose. We swam through the pitch black cave listening to the waves crash against the rocks. We had to go through in a long line each holding on to the person in front. Josh was in front of me so I got to wrap my arms and legs around him and him take me through (don't worry, we were both wearing life jackets). To leave the cave we had to wait for a wave to pass so the sea level was lower, and quickly swam underneath the rocks. What we were faced with the other side was incredible. A secluded tiny beach with white sands and clear waters, surrounded by other caves. 

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